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ACEM Western Australia 2025 Scientific Conference
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Social and Networking Event
Saturday, 3 May 1730-1900
Fee: Included as part of your delegate registration.
Location: Onsite

Join us post-event for an evening of socialising, networking, and nibbles. We'll be joined by the exquisite sounds of Dolce Ensembles, a talented string quartet, sure to bring the evening alive with their melodic line-up of contemporary collections.
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Critical Care Procedural Skills Workshop
Saturday, 3 May 2025 0900-1300
Fee: AUD $350.00 (this will replace your attendance in the *mandatory Educational Workshops 1 & 2)
Location: Onsite
Facilitator: Dr Susan Sharpe

The Critical Care Procedural Skills workshop aims to increase the knowledge and confidence of participants to perform procedures which are not routinely performed, but may be required in a life-saving emergency by critical care practitioners.  Participants will be working in small groups on anatomically correct models to simulate real life situations.

The workshop covers a number of procedures for which there is an expectation a practitioner will be able to manage as a life-saving measure, particularly in peripheral, regional or austere environments.  It is specifically designed for doctors working in emergency settings.  This workshop is not aimed at junior Trainees, as a level of experience in critical care areas is required.  

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Educational Workshops 1 & 2
Saturday, 3 May 2025 0900-1300
Fee: Included as part of your delegate registration.
Location: Onsite

Both workshops fall under the Critical Care theme and will form part of the full-day program. These workshops will offer different facilitators and content to provide a variety of education and skills. Further information will be added once the content has been confirmed.
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Ultrasound Progress POCUS workshop
Friday, 2 May 2025
Fee: AUD $700.00
Location: TBC
Registration: Please email if you would like to register for this workshop.
This workshop is being offered alongside the conference as a separate event by ACEM. This will take place offsite at the location above.
See the video for more information below.
“Progress POCUS” supports FACEMs and trainees who are pursuing ACEM’s recommended credentialing pathway for ultrasound.
Experts in ultrasound will be present to proctor your scans as well as carry out Formative and Summative Assessments for eFAST, AAA, Lung, Focused Echo in Life Support (FELS) and Vascular access.
Proctored scans can be entered into your logbook (for hospital credentialing or for CCPU purposes) where up to 50% of logbook cases can be “non-clinically” indicated.
We will finish the day with a review of the SLICE protocol (aka the “quick and easy” RUSH protocol) which provides a stepwise approach to using Lung, FELS, eFAST and AAA scans in the assessment of the shocked or SOB patient.
Feedback from participants in 2024 workshops highlights the value of these sessions:
  • “Useful to be exposed to different practitioners with different tips and approaches.”
  • “I got so much more from this workshop than expected”
  • “Very helpful to highlight how much I’d forgotten/gotten out of practice but also to help regain skill and plan towards skill maintenance in the future.”
  • “Fantastic ratio of machines/facilitators to delegates.”
  • “Great resources recommended and how to improve on POCUS education.”
  • “Great chance to do supervised scans and improve image acquisition.”